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Getty Museum
Instagram Analytics
Analyze data from Getty Museum Instagram Acct & website to provide suggestions for marketing strategy 
Getty Museum is an art museum located in California with beautiful architecture and views. 

Getty Museum is making efforts to break the restrictions of a traditional museum by moving into a digital format and maintaining active presences on social media platform. At the moment, Getty Museum is seeking opportunities to create engaging and educational content to reach a broader audience who lack art expertises, especially young audiences from 18 - 24. 

After a thorough analysis of Getty Museum’s Instagram data of the past 7 years (from 2013 to 2020), we drew four insights from successful posts in the past and made recommendations accordingly.



5 People


  • Data collecting

      - Instaloadgram 
      - Google Analytics 

  • Data Cleaning

      - Python​

  • Data Visualization

      - Tableau

      - Google Data Studio

      - InDesign


  • Data analysis

  • Communication & Logistics

  • Interactive Dashboard

  • Identify Findings & Design mockup for recommendations


3 weeks



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Questions for first client meeting

A stakeholder meeting with the Getty's Communications team was conducted through video conferencing to understand their needs and concerns. 

After the kick-off meeting, we identified

three goals of this project:

  • To increase the reach and engagement of the younger audience (18 to 24 years old)

  • To build brand loyalty and increase audience retention rate

  • To ultimately increase traffic to the Getty website and its physical site

We selected Instagram as our main channel because Getty team was curious about how to better engage with a younger audience, specifically 18 to 24 year old users on mobile devices in the context of their brand platform.


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We were able to obtain all the data from @GettyMuseum Instagram account of the past 7 years. Because of the massive amount of the data, firstly, we used python to clean the data. Afterwards, we used tableau to visualize the data.

original dataset


Working in Tableau


On Google Analytics, we focused on Traffic Source and analyzed the demographic of visitors from different social media channels. We learned that instagram is the main traffic source for young visitors.

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By visualizing the engagement of posts from 2013 to 2020, we learned that Getty had a steady increase for engagements, with an exponential growth in 2018.

In 2020 (until April 20th), 59% increase in likes, 116% increase in comments, almost doubled the engagements as last year. 

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Overview of the Data (2013 - 2020):

  • A total number of post: 2,253 posts

  • Average number of posts per month: 27.47

  • The most popular posting time: 14:00 - 14:59 (PT) 

  • Posts by Likes & CommentsThe most average comment month: April 2020

  • The most average liked month: April 2020

  • The most commented post : Mar 31, 2020Carousel of #betweenartandqurantine (C: 580)

  • The most liked post: Apr 6, 2020Carousel of #betweenartandqurantine (L: 20,650)

  • Most tagged location: Getty (825), Getty Center (492 posts), Getty Villa (144 posts)

  • Most hashtagged: #regram (91times) / #GettyInspired (37 times) / #FrameFriday (31 times)





Getty challenge posts have the highest engagements

By looking at data, we found out  that the post with the most likes and comments belonged to a recent content about #BetweenArtandQuarantine challenge. This was proven by a total of 20,650 likes on a post on April 6, 2020. Top three posts with the most comments are also about the quarantine challenge, following the fourth most commented post which is #dollypartonchallenge.


Create Inclusivity by Maintaining Relatable and Empathetic Posts

Posts that are relatable and empathetic with the present situation and mental state of the users will attract a broader audience and create more engagement, such as #BetweenArtandQuarantine and #DollyParton. We recommend Getty Museum to continue educating users with artworks while empathizing with them to create an inclusive environment for the users. Posting content that is relevant and up-to-date on digital trends can help engage millennials, for example the Make Art Relatable and Game of Thrones video posted on IGTV.

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Less website referral clicks from Instagram than Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest

The traffic data from Google Analytics indicates that referral clicks in Getty museum’s websites from instagram is fewer than that from twitter, facebook and pinterest.

By analyzing different social media platforms, it is evident that there are less opportunities for users to access website links on Instagram, except via instagram bio and its story swipe-up feature.


By comparing the average session duration for each platform, the researchers found that people coming from Instagram are more engaged with the website in comparison to the other social platforms. This evidently shows that there is still a huge room to attract and engage new users from instagram. 



Post stories in the forms that can direct users to the website, such as quizzes or polls

To direct more audience to the website, we suggest Getty’s Instagram account should keep posting interactive stories while adding features such as swiping up to redirect traffic from Instagram.


To lure audiences to their website for more information, we also suggest posting interactive stories in the form of quizzes and polls on a regular basis besides the artifact imitation activities. Moreover, Getty could also tag users in the stories which could encourage them to re-share the post and thus increase the reach. 



Posts with location tags have higher engagements

The data shows that posts that have marked locations like Getty and Getty Center have more likes and comments compared to those without location tags.


In addition, there is more interaction with posts that highlight the museum's physical spaces.

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Posts with Tagged Location

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Tag locations and post images of the photogenic views of the museum 

We recommend tagging location on future posts. Also, it will be helpful and engaging to view information about the museum, such as the museum address, visiting hours and ticket information on the instagram profile section. Not only does this information allow users see Getty's Instagram as a creative platform but also as an insightful platform.

Posting images and videos of the physical spaces of the museum would inspire users to visit the museum where they can take photographs which then they can post on their profiles. This would encourage their followers to visit the museum.


Different Engagement Types between Posts and Videos

Image and video are the most popular types of posts on the Instagram platform. According to data, images have higher average likes than videos. Video contents have more average comments count than average likes count.


Researchers believe that users often skim through their Instagram feed when looking at static posts. Therefore, the most common reaction for users is to like the picture. On the other hand, because videos draw users to view the content for a longer duration than image posts, it encourages thoughtful interactions and builds real connections between users and Getty Museum.  

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Use video for informative content and to initiate discussions 

We recommend Getty to use video posts and IGTV for more informative content, whereas visually appealing content that doesn't need any heavy text should be posted as a regular image post. We realized that creating video content is time-consuming, therefore we recommend Getty to be very selective with what content should be posted in a video format. 

 Interactive Dashboard for Website

We created Google Dashboard to track the demographics & behavior of visitors from different social media channels



We presented our findings and recommendations through a zoom meeting. Communication was extremely important for this project, especially during this quarantine. I was glad that I was able to provide clear and efficient communication between my team and Getty client. There are a few limits of this project, such as access to Getty backend data. We were only able to get a few screenshots of instagram follower's demographics. However, our team changed our strategy to make full use of what we have access to (Google Analytics and Instagram Post). The result hopes to serve as a summary of Getty Instagram's past post but also a guide for its future instagram post. 


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