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- Conversation Design

Design a voice user interface to help users manage and relieve their stress on a daily basis. 
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Project Brief

This is a class project. We decided to build a voice interface for daily stress management. Pacify is an Alexa Skill that teaches users how to train their minds for a healthier, happier, more enjoyable life. 

My Role

I conducted user interviews and user testings, developed bot persona, created flow diagram, interaction model, prompt list, sample script for key interactions, and voice prototype.

Demonstration Video


We conducted surveys and interviews to understand people’s preferences for stress management methods and their expectations of using a stress management voice interface.





Most Used Stress Management Methods

Techniques Interested in Learning More About

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Most Frequent Stress Level 


Age Group

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What do user want in voice design?

Users prefer mature female human voice, displayed as an experienced and friendly adviser.


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Meet Pacify

Pacify is an empathetic, attentive and informative VUI, that can help you manage and relieve your daily stress through stress level assessment, guided exercise and music & literature recommendation.

Pacify has a warm yet calm tone, with word choices that are conversational and jargon-free.

Development Documents: 


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We built three audio prototypes with Botmock,

and tested with 9 participants.

Findings from User Testing:

1. Voice & Tone

    The tone of the bot makes the participants feel robotic and            distant. Participants expect a human-like friendly tone.

2. Transparency about Data

    For the on-boarding process, participants are confused and          hesitant about providing personal information such as age and      if they’re working with medical professionals

3. Transition between Bot and Audio 

    Participants feel erupted when transitioning from the bot to            music or guided exercise because of different voices or                background music. Participants expect a smooth hand-off in          between.

4. Fall-back Options

    Participants hope to be able to assess the menu at any time          and be reminded of the menu options whenever they need to        make a choice, such as to continue the session.

Final Prototype

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Future Steps:

- Currently this skill is available for beta-test on Alexa

- For stress assessment, we are using the method of questions. We hope to adopt the StressScan method in the future, so the bot will be able to detect the user's stress level by their heart rates.

- At the moment, the entertainment recommendation is sorted by popularity. We hope to personify this experience for users in the future.

What I Learned:

- Take advantage of Alexa built-in intents 

- There are so many different testing methods!

- Set up the proper exceptions with user. Let them be aware of the bot's capability.

- Sometimes we have to give up some features for the scope of the project

- Always have a fall-back pattern and a back-up solution for users (even if it means human agents). Don't frustrate your users!

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•Mobile App
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